Along with his twin brother Joseph, Mayer starred in the role of Little Ricky Ricardo on I Love Lucy.

Following a few more minor film roles after KKA, Scott-Wilson became a self-described singer and fine art painter.

An alumnus of both Kill movies, Sensei Malcolm is an 8th Dan of Shotokan karate. He joined the JKA dojo of Stan Schmidt in the late '60s and today operates Dorfman Karate with his son Shane, 6th Dan.

Other than an appearance in one episode of a West German television series and a possible role in an obscure movie titled, Spoor, no information is currently available on Kissin.

Dorie's film credits consist solely of the Kill movies and no other information is currently found when researched. He was likely a member of the South African JKA chosen simply for his size as an imposing presence.
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